Nurse Fatima Al-Ansari…A Saudi Heroine البطلات السعوديات- الممرضة فاطمة الأنصاري

البطلة السعودية-الممرضة فاطمة الأنصاري

 هذا الفيديو هو عن الممرضة فاطمه الانصاري التي تعمل في مطار الرياض و تتأكد من خلو القادمين للسعودية من فيروس كورونا

Nurse Fatima AlAnsari – A Saudi Heroine (in English)

Fatima Al-Ansari is a healthcare worker at Riyadh airport. She screened all passengers arriving in Riyadh for symptoms of coronavirus. Her work is very challenging. It stressed her family about her safety. They advised her to quit or take a break to stay away from the danger. She refused and insisted on continuing her work and succeeding in her mission. She reassured them that she always takes precautionary measures. Now they support her in her duty. Fatima feels proud of serving her country and supporting the Kingdom’s mission in preserving its citizens’ health. She sees her work as a national duty and the least thing she can give to her nation.


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